Sindh News Four cases have been lodged on Friday night against killing of Additional Station House Officer (SHO) Raheem Khan who was martyred in gunfight with dacoits in Gulistan-e-Johar area of Karachi, earlier on the same day. Police sources informed that, three cases have been registered in Gulistan-e-Johar Police Station and one case has been filed in Ferozabad Police Station. The cases include: provisions of anti-terrorism act, murder, attempted murder and police encounter. A day earlier, Additional Station House Officer (SHO) Raheem Khan has embraced martyrdom in an exchange of fire with dacoits in Gulistan-e-Johar, area of Karachi. SSP East said, the firing incident happened when some unknown armed assailants opened fire at cops and managed to escape from the scene, as a result, the additional SHO Rahim Khan martyred. Read more: Cases lodged against killing of Additional SHO